Thursday, 29 May 2014

Happy holidays

Hi 1 Peace,

Today marks the last day of semester 1.  It was a wonderful experience teaching all of you. I've learnt innocence, love and tolerance from you children. Apart from the children, parents, I had a wonderful time with all of you yesterday too. Thank you for being such supportive, loving parents who are so ever willing to provide your child with the best.

Have a good break and I will see all of you in 4 weeks time!

Mrs Say

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

June holiday assignments

Hi Parents,

Just an update on the June holidays assignments given by the various subjects:

1) Young Explorer Card (Social Studies) - Assignment is graded
Number of stars to complete: 15 stars
Submission date: Term 3 Week 1
How to submit: Put all the assignments into a file and please indicate the question number on each piece of work

2) Maths Whiz Card - Badge will be given
Number of stars to complete: 12 stars, students can do questions on topics that have yet been taught in class
Submission date: End of Term 3
How to submit: Put all the assignments into a file and please indicate the question number on each piece of work

3) Health Education Project - Assignment is graded
How to do: Students are to write what they have done for the whole month of June in the calendar provided. They can write on the different PIES ( Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual Health) on each day. An example is given below:

1st June
Jog with my Dad

2nd June
Have dinner with my family

3rd June
Vacation to Taiwan
We had a great dinner with my family at this farm.

After which, students can write a short summary on how they feel on the second page. An example is given below:

I had an enjoyable week. We had picnic at East Coast Park. I helped to make sandwiches with my mum.

This assignment is graded and the rubrics is also given in the worksheet, so while your child is doing the assignment, do refer to the rubrics. To get 10 full marks, the information given has to be well-organized, clear and logical. There should not be any spelling errors, and visually appealing too! Do provide pictures!

Submission date: Term 3 Week 1

4) Young Zoologist  Card (only for students who bought this card) - Badge will be given
Number of stars to complete: 15 stars
Submission date: End of Term 3
How to submit: Put all the assignments into a file and please indicate the question number on each piece of work

Do contact me if you need any clarifications!


Monday, 26 May 2014

Meet the parents (MTP) session this Thursday

Hi Parents,

I've received the booking list for the MTP. To those who have booked through McOnline, thank you!For those who have missed the booking, don't worry, I would have called you and gave you a time slot by now. :)

Just a reminder, there will be no school on that day, but do bring your child along as they are expected to present their portfolio to you on that day.

Otherwise, see all of you on this Thursday!


Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Subscribe to our class blog

Hi Parents,

Come and subscribe to our class blog so that you will not miss out on any interesting activities that your child has done in school. Here are the instructions on how to subscribe:

Step 1: Scroll all the way to the bottom of the blog and you will see the tab Follow by Email. Key in the email address that you want to receive the notification once I update the blog.

Step 2: Once you have keyed in your email, you will see this window Email Subscription Request. This is to confirm that you are subscribing to the blog.

Step 3: Check your email to ensure that you receive this activation email.

Step 4: Click on the link to activate!

With that, you will get the notifications once I update the blog!


Updates updates!

Hi Parents,

Here are some updates on what your child had been doing in school

1) Young Explorer Card (social studies) activities
The students were given their Young Explorer Card (social studies card). I brought them to the ELIAS KAMPONG so that they can complete Q9 of the card. Here are some pictures of the little artists at work. :)

2) Learning Maths using their own body parts

Little investigators, using non-standard unit materials such as paper clips, inter-locking cubes, straws, to find out the length of the tissue paper boxes, biscuits boxes.

Following that, they also made use of their little feet and hands to find out the length of the classroom doors, windows, tables and chairs.

3) Teachers' exchange at the Japanese school

Just to share something interesting with you, I went on a short teacher exchange at the Japanese school last week. I was amazed by their school culture and the way their children behave during their break time. Their classrooms are also very well kept. After this exchange, I implemented what I've learnt with 1P!

Their classroom

Students having Mathematics lesson

No uniform needed!

Me, amongst the P5 students. They are learning about volume of cubes and cubiods.

The teachers who went with me were Ms Toh from 1L and Mdm Habibah from 1K

Following this, I will be bringing the proposal to the Jap school next week and we will be discussing on the programs that we will be conducting. As we will be bringing our own P1 EPPS to their school for school exchange in July and the Jap students will be coming to our school too!

Talking about Learning journey, we will be going to the Goat Farm tomorrow. Do prepare the necessary things needed!

Have a good rest!


Painting of 1P classroom

Hi Parents,

Thank you so much for the overwhelming response in offering your help to paint the classroom. I'm really really very appreciative. THANK YOU! :D

Here are the details of the event:

Date: 26th and 27th June 2014
Time: 10am to 3pm
Venue: 1 P classroom
Food: Will be provided 
Things to bring: Newspapers (to line the classroom), the rest of the materials will be provided
Title of book: Shark in the Park, written by Nick Sharratt

Shark in the Park is about a little boy named Timothy Pope. He looks through his telescope in the park and is sure he keeps seeing a shark. The lens of the telescope is an actual hole in the pages of the book, and as each page is turned the fin of the shark turns out to be something quite ordinary like a cat's ear, a crow's wing, and even his dad's Elvis-style haircut.

I will be working with some of the parents on the outline/ plan, once I have a concrete idea of how we can improve on the current paintings, I will post it up the blog.

Note: If you can only make it only on 1 day, it is okay. Just come and join in the fun. However, do remember to bring your child along. You can bring the elder brother/sister along too! 


Monday, 19 May 2014

Young Explorer Card

Hi Parents,

I've given out the Young Explorer Card to the students. They are to complete 15 stars. I've helped them to complete 5 stars (Q1 and Q9), so, parents, do help them with another 10 stars.

They are to submit their work after the June holidays. Do remember to put all their work into a big file so that they can submit to me when school starts in Term 3, July.

Thank you!

Mrs Say

Monday, 12 May 2014

1 Peace classroom needs revamp!!! Help needed!

Hi Parents,

1 Peace classroom needs some revamping! In line with the setting up of a STELLAR classroom, the whole P1 level will be inviting all parents to render their help during the last week of the June holidays to touch up the classroom. Hence, I've taken pictures of the parts of the classroom that need some work done (mostly painting work).

The P1 teachers have discussed and we will be making this project a parent-child bonding event whereby the parent and the child will do the painitng together with the teacher on 2 days. On the second day, there will be a small party whereby the teacher will be bringing in food!

The theme of our classroom is tied in with the STELLAR big book - A Walk In The Park. Below are the pictures of the classroom that needs some work.

the flowers have fallen off.

Some pictures can be drawn here

the animals that used to be here had fallen off! It will be good to have the animals painted

the animals that used to be here had fallen off! It will be good to have the animals painted

the animals that used to be here had fallen off! It will be good to have the animals painted

The words "A Walk In The Park" has also fallen off!

If you have any idea what need to be drawn, please give me a call or you can draw it out and put it in your child's planner! Parents, I would really really need and appreciate your help in volunteering. It will be fun to work with your child and it will definitely be something that your child will remember.

If you are able to help out, do leave a note in your child's planner, or you can email me!

Looking forward to your replies!


Meet the parent session, May 2014

Hi Parents,

I've given out May newsletter. There are 2 important documents that I need you to read. First, there is a travel declaration form which I need you to fill it up and submit on Wednesday. If you are not sure when you will be travelling, you can write the country you will be travelling to, and on the date column, you can write to be confirmed. However, if you won't be travelling to anywhere, a NIL return with signature is still required.

Secondly, there will be a Meet the parent session on the 29th May. You will need to follow the instructions stated in the newsletter to book a slot with me. If there are any problems with the booking system, do write a note to me in your child's planner, I will give you a call. :)

Thank you!


Friday, 9 May 2014

Maths performance task and English mini test

Hi Parents,

Just a reminder, 1 Peace will be having 2 assessments next week.

1) Maths performance task
They will be tested on Shapes and Patterns and Length. Do revise with them on how to identify the repeating unit in a pattern, which will help them to see the pattern in the question given. For the topic Length, do revise with them when to use taller or longer. They can be confused and write a lamp post  is longer than the tree instead of taller. They also need more reinforcement in questions that compares 2 things of the same length, then we will use as tall/ long as.

2) English mini test
They will be tested from units 1 to 6. Do go through the English file with them when I return on Monday. Focus on the grammar items (articles 'a', 'an' and conjunctions 'and', 'or', 'so')  and the vocabularies that they have learnt throughout the 6 topics.

Have a good weekend ahead and Happy Mother's Day to all supermums!

Mrs Say


Monday, 5 May 2014

Big THANK YOU and Health booklet and medical information form :)

Hi Parents,

First, a really big THANK YOU for being such supportive parents as whatever I wrote on this blog, you, will ensure that your child either bring/ do it. For instance, I only have to say that I need 30 clear plastic protector sheets, the next day, majority of them brought it!  So, I really really happy to be working with you all in educating your wonderful child. :D

Next, I would like to inform you that your little one will be having their MMR jabs in Term 3 Week 1 (first week of July). Hence, I will need to collect the following:

1) Health booklets
If you have lost the health booklets, you can pass me $1.50 so that I can get the General Office to get a replacement. For foreigners, your child might not have health booklet. However, do submit any forms of booklets/certificates stating the type of immunisation jabs your child has taken.

2) Medical Information Form
These 2 forms are found on the first 2 pages of the Health Promotion Board School health service booklet. They are green and purple papers. Do fill them up and submit together with the health booklet.

3) Consent form for immunisation jabs during Ramadan 
For muslim students, you will have to submit an extra form which is attached to the booklet. This is to seek permission for immunisation to take place during Ramadan period.

That's all! Meanwhile, continue to be such awesome parents to your child and Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful mothers who are
