Hi Parents,
There will be no school this Thursday and Friday. Here are the assignments for this 2 days:
14th August (Thursday)
Maths mconline assignment on Addition and Subtraction
STELLAR Unit 8: The Giant's Ice Cream comprehension (Pg 12 and 13)
15th August (Friday)
Maths activity book Unit 14, pages 71 to 76
STELLAR Unit 8: The Giant's Ice Cream sentence making (Pg 11)
Strength and Achievement form
Try to fill up the form on what your child has learnt outside school. For instance, swimming courses, ballet, piano or violin courses. Do provide certificates if possible. If you are unable to provide the certs this year, then just indicate in the form that the cert will only arrive next year. However, some of the courses do not have certs, then just indicate on the paper that your child has attended such course but no certs.
I will then use the information on this form and key into the database. A copy will then be printed out and it will be kept in your child's report book.
Thank you