Monday, 31 March 2014

Hi 1 Peace,

Here are some updates on what was being done in class for the past 1 week.

1) Read and reflect books
To inculcate the love for reading, we are starting the read and reflect program. Each child was given a green bag with a book in it and a purple paper. After reading the book, they can share with the parents on their book. Parents can help by talking to them using the questions in the purple paper. I will also be picking different students to share their book with the class.

We will do an exchange of books every 2 weeks. So, students will need to bring their green bag and book on the 14th April.

2) Assessment (Picture matching) this Thursday
This Thursday, 3rd April, we will be having Spelling and picture matching test. The picture matching test will be on sounds and rhymes. It will be very similar to what they have done in their spelling and STELLAR worksheet.

Try not to be absent on that day. However, if you are really sick, it is a MUST to produce a MC. Parent's letter will not be acceptable.

3) Mathematics game

We had a good time using the interactive whiteboard in learning counting 1 to 20. Something to note, do get your child to learn how to spell from 11 to 20. :)

Have a great Tuesday!

Mrs Say

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Ordering of class photo

Hi 1 Peace,

As promised, here are the class photos.

1) Formal shot

2)Informal shot

3) Fun shot

Make your chase by ticking on the option given on the envelope. :)

There are also some changes to the timetable. I have printed the new timetable on a coloured paper. Do make sure you pack your bag according to the latest timetable!

Mrs Say

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Last day of the term

Hi all,

Today marks the last day of the term. How time flies! Here are some updates.

Reading bag

I've given the children a reading bag. They are tasked to read at least 1 book this 1 week  break. Parents can help to monitor by putting a star sticker on the first ice cream (stickers are in the bag). Following that, students are to write the title of the books on the second layer of the ice-cream. for students who are reading chapter books, I allowed them to read at least 3 chapters of their book, which will in turn exchange for 3 stickers on their ice cream. When they return on Monday, I will pick any title on the ice-cream and get them to tell me briefly what the story is about.

Maths performance task

Students were paired up and tasked to complete a simple addition sum using the Mathematics manipulative, interlocking cube. Throughout this activity, I was looking out for personal quality such as turn-taking, cooperation, encourages one another. I will be providing feedback on what I observed on their worksheet which will be returned when they return.

Have a good rest children and I will see you soon!

Mrs Say

Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Hi all,

Here are some updates on what 1 Peace has been up to:

P1 and 2 games day

We had our games day on Tuesday, during PAL period. Had a mini competition between classes and the points that they earned go to their houses, preserver and endeavor. The house that won was Endeavor!

Student Ez-link card
I gave out the student's Ez-link cards to the class. Parents, do take note that they will need this card for the borrowing of books in the school library. However, I understand that sometimes they will lose their wallets and it will be very troublesome to get the cards replaced, you can make a photocopied version of the card and put it in their wallet. Keep the original card at home. The school library is able to scan the photocopied version using their system.

Mconline assignments
I have also assigned new assignments for the month of March. We have managed to log into the website to complete some of the assignments. However, some of them have yet to finish their assignments, so it will be good for parents to allow them to do it at home. I will be checking the assignment status this Friday and those who have yet to complete, I will give a call/write a note in the planner. :)

ELIAS star awardees
We have 2 new ELIAS star awardees! They are Claire and Amelia.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

February Maths quiz winners

1 Peace,

I've tested the girls on their poetry recitation today. Each of them received the rubrics that I used to assess them. on the bottom of the rubrics, I've written some comments.Do work on those feedback. Some examples of feedback that I've given:

1) Eye contact

Children need to maintain eye contact with the tester to show that they understand the context and the purpose of the poem.

2) Expression and fluency

More expression needs to be injected into their recitation. Especially when there is a dialogue

"I've no friends," cried the tiger.

More points will be given if you display sadness in your tone of voice.

3) Actions

This is a plus point! If there are actions, show it to the tester. It will make the whole recitation much more lively.

On another note, we have gone through the answers for the February Maths quiz and congratulations to the 3 winners, Isaac Ng, Jerick and Amelia. March Maths quiz has been posted up and children are rushing to complete the questions correctly.

We also had a wonderful time looking at the toys our classmates brought. Some even demonstrated to us how to play with their toys. Some children are too shy to share even though they brought their toy to school.

It will be group 3 and 4 turns tomorrow to share their favourite toy with their classmates.

Have a good day and I'll see you all tomorrow.

Mrs Say

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Hairy Hairy Bear

1 Peace,

I brought along my favourite teddy bear and shared the story of the 'Birthday Bear' with you. It will be groups 1 and 2 turns tomorrow to share with the class the story of their favourite toy. Remember, you don't have to bring a teddy bear if it isn't your favourite toy. Try not to bring a super big toy which is too heavy for you to carry it to school. :)

I've returned 2 Maths file, 1 English file and a new spelling list for Term 2 to you. Do remember to get the files and worksheet signed on the correct places and return them to me tomorrow.

In addition, I will be testing the girls tomorrow on your poetry recitation, and Friday will be the boys' turn. Do get prepared. It will be even better if you have actions to your poetry.

Lastly, we will be having our 1st class photo taking session tomorrow! Do remember that you don't have PE tomorrow, so everyone should be in School Uniform.

Have a good rest and I will see all of you tomorrow.

Mrs Say

Monday, 3 March 2014

Poetry Recitation

Hi Parents,

We have finally come to our very first assessment, Poetry Recitation. I've informed your child that I will be conducting an informal test on them this Thursday and Friday. They are to pick one poem out of the five. This poem that they chose, must be the one that they can memorize, and recite the best!

I encourage memorising the poem because one of the criteria that I'm assessing your child would be eye contact. If I allow them to hold the paper in their hands, their eyes will never have a chance to make eye contact with the teacher!!

Practise with your child, and I will be giving them ample chance to stand infront of the class for the next three days as a practice.

Mrs Say