Wednesday, 30 April 2014

What we have been doing

Hi Parents,

Here are some updates

1) Plastic protector sheets

We will need 30 plastic protector sheets on Friday as we will need them for our portfolio ring file. This file will be a showcase of your child's work from Term 1 to Term 4. We will also be using this file when they go to P2. So, do make use of the public holidays tomorrow to get the protector sheets. Thanks!

Plastic protector sheets

2) Book sharing in the library

1 Peace had a chance to go to the school library for some activities. Following the activity, we had some of the students share the books they chose. Here are some pictures

Everyone reading their books

Add caption

It will be labour day tomorrow. Have an awesome public holiday and take this chance to rest or to bond with the family.

Mrs Say

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Sandwich making day

Hi 1 Peace,

Sorry for the lack of updates. My laptop crashed and had to send it for repairs. :(

Anyway, we had a sandwich making day on Monday. The students prepared their own sandwiches using the ingredients I prepared for the class. There were cucumber, lettuce, cheese. Cheese was the 'hot' ingredient! Everyone was vying for it! We even had 3 parent volunteers and I really appreciate their help. Next time, we will get more volunteers to help out. :D

Here are the pictures we took on our sandwich making day.

Getting the ingredients ready

Cutting the bread into half

Cutting the bread into half

Spreading butter or jam

spreading jam!

Look at how serious they are

One side butter and the other side jam

the bread is really delicious

It is really delicious!
Following this, we will be tapping on this experience to do a class, group and individual writing. This is an important part of the lower primary curriculum as we believe that with a common experience, it will aid the children in their writing.

Mrs Say

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Sandwich making day

Hi 1 Peace parents,

We will be making sandwiches next Monday. This is is create a shared learning experience so that we can tap on these experiences when we write our class writing on Thursday.

These are the ingredients that I will be bringing:

1) cheese
2) white bread
3) cucumber
4) butter
5) strawberry jam
6) lettuce

If your child is allergic to any of the above items, do write in their planner so I can remind them not to put it into their sandwiches. In addition, you wont have to pack snacks for them on that day as we will be eating the sandwiches during snack time. :)

Mrs Say

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Poetry recitation and Maths review test on Monday, 14th April

Hi Parents,

I have returned 2 Maths file to your child for them to do revision during the weekends in preparation for their review test next Monday. I've looked through each of their file and pick out their weak points. Those pages whereby I pasted the post-it tag are those whereby your child needs extra attention. I've also written some notes on those pages. Do go through the file with your child to prepare them for their very test!

Other than Maths review, they will be tested in their poetry recitation. This time round, it won't be tested by me, but by another teacher. Hence, I've told the class to do it well the first time as they won't be given a second chance. Some students are too soft, hence it will help them if they can speak up. Expression (smile, eye contact), awareness of audience and intonation are VERY IMPORTANT!

We also had our ELIAS star today. They are Isabel, Ariel and Sae Young!

Revise your work and rest well!

Mrs Say

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Let's celebrate international friendship day

Hi 1 Peace,

We had assembly today and the theme was on International Friendship Day.  After hearing the story from Triet, a boy from Vietnam, we got our own Eliasians to share their experience in Singapore. Videos of our friends, Louise and Sae Young were played. Here are some pictures.

 Let's embrace our international friends and the rich culture and experiences they bring from their countries.

I've also returned the Picture matching and sound discrimination test paper to the children. Most of you scored full marks. Excellent! Do remember to revise your work as we will be having our Maths review test on 14th April.

Rest well and I will see you all tomorrow.

Mrs Say

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Fruit peels and fruit core


1 Peace had a great time contributing their fruit peels into making compost! I took some pictures and will be sharing with the school during assembly. :)

I have also given out the assessment dates for English and Maths. I've told the children to staple the assessment schedule on the first page of their planner. In case they have copied wrongly, here are the dates of assessment:

1) Poetry Recitation: 14th April 2014
2) Maths Review test: 14th April
3) Maths Performance test (Numbers to 20): 29th April
4) Maths Performance test (Shapes and patterns): 14th May

Have a great Friday!

Mrs Say

Compost making on Friday

Hi Parents,

During school assembly yesterday, I shared with the school on global food wastage issue. To encourage our students not to waste food, I've liaised with the Science department to use the school's compost bin on Friday. On this day, students will bring their own fruits (apple, banana, pear etc) and they are to throw the fruit core or fruit peel into the compost bin. What happens after throwing in all the fruit peel, in 6 months time, we will open the compost bin and get the compost as fertilisers for the plants in our Eco-garden.

So, do remember to bring your own fruit tomorrow!

Mrs Say