Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Let's celebrate international friendship day

Hi 1 Peace,

We had assembly today and the theme was on International Friendship Day.  After hearing the story from Triet, a boy from Vietnam, we got our own Eliasians to share their experience in Singapore. Videos of our friends, Louise and Sae Young were played. Here are some pictures.

 Let's embrace our international friends and the rich culture and experiences they bring from their countries.

I've also returned the Picture matching and sound discrimination test paper to the children. Most of you scored full marks. Excellent! Do remember to revise your work as we will be having our Maths review test on 14th April.

Rest well and I will see you all tomorrow.

Mrs Say

1 comment:

  1. They are blessed to have international friends so easily in their lives these days! I used to write snail mails to pen pals overseas and if they decided to visit Singapore then, it would be such a huge affair for my family to host them. Haha! :)
