Wednesday, 30 July 2014

McOnline assignments

Hi Parents,

I've assigned new McOnline assignments for the month of July and August. The closing date is 31st August. Do remember to get your child to complete the assignments at home. :)

The name of the assignments are:

1) English assignments for July
2) Mathematics assignments for July
3)  English assignments for August
4) Mathematics assignments for August

Meanwhile, I am still unwell. Doctor diagnosed me with tonsillitis. My fever has finally subsided and I am feeling better now, but my tonsils and throat are still in a horrible state. I've already given instructions to the relief teacher. If you need any clarifications or help, do email me okay. :)


Monday, 28 July 2014

Eng and Maths tests this week

Dear Parents,

1 Peace will be having their English test and Maths review test 2 this Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately, I am down with high fever and couldn't go to school. Here are some things to note for the tests.

Sentence making test (English)

I've went through some of the common mistakes I've picked up while marking their work. I;ve also managed to return the worksheets to them this morning. Do look at the worksheet as it is a simulation of the test they will be taking tihs week.

1) Wrong sentence structure
Me and my brother is incorrect. It should be My brother and I.

2) Use of Singlish
My little brother is incorrect. It should be my younger brother.

3) Incorrect tenses
The bird have
The insects has

It should have been the bird has and the insect has

4) Wrong use of word, incorrect spelling, missed out of words
The helping word gave animal, hence, students should use the word in its original form and not change it to plural.
Wrong spelling will result in zero straight away too.

Maths review test 2

Students will be tested on Subtraction and Addition within 40. Just ensure that they know how to do the algorithm/ workings. Especially when it comes to regrouping, or commonly known as borrowing from the tens family. They will get confused an hence more drill and reinforcement at home will be good!

Meanwhile, do email me if you need any clarifications regarding the tests. I will reply when I'm out of the groggy phase. :)


Monday, 21 July 2014

Level planting and Jap exchange at EPPS

Hi all!

It was an activity filled term. We organised a level planting activity a few weeks ago. Each class adopted a plant and they really got their hands dirty!! 1 Peace adopted the Watermelon and Hairy Gourd plant.

Here are some pictures

Some of the seeds have germinated! Now we are looking forward to seeing the growth of the plant.

This morning, we hosted the Japanese students. We had fun making the Bunga manggar. It was a little messy, but the kids really enjoyed themselves. Each of them also brought back a packet of Kuti Kuti.

Mrs Say