Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Return of health booklets and assessment for Term 3

Dear Parents,

I've returned the children their health booklets this afternoon. Do remember to get it from them for safekeeping.

In addition, we will be having 4 assessments in Term 3. It is as below:

1) Reading Aloud

Assessment dates: From 14th July to 16th July
How they will be tested:

They are given 4 books Dan The Flying Man, Mrs Wishy Washy, Hairy Bear, and Walking through the Jungle. They will choose their favourite book (they have already chosen 1 as we have already practised in class) and read aloud to the tester. What we are looking for are Intonation/expression, whether they pause or stop at the correct places (full stop and commas), whether they raise their voice if the text size is bigger or when there is an exclamation mark.

I will be assessing them tomorrow and will send out the rubrics after their assessment. You can look at the areas they are weak in, and practise with them over the weekends. You won't have the exact books, but you can get any storybook and practise reading with them.

2) Writing: Sentence Making

Assessment dates: 1st August 2014

3) Maths Review Test 2

Assessment dates: 31st July 2014

4) Maths Review Test 3

Assessment dates: 28th August 2014

Thank you! :)

Mrs Say

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