Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Home Based Learning on 25th and 26th September 2014

Hi 1 Peace Parents,

There will be no school on the 25th (Thursday) and 26th (Friday) September 2014 due to PSLE. The P1s will need to do some home-based assignments in their McOnline and it is crucial that they login into the portal at 8 a.m. as I will be monitoring their login records in school. If I don't see their names in my report, I will have to call you to remind your child to login into McOnline to do their assignments.

Here are some common FAQs regarding HBL.

Home-based learning (Day 1) - 25th September 2014

Duration of assignments:
The students have 1 day to complete Day 1 assignments and 1 day to complete Day 2 assignments.

Time to login into Mconline:
8 a.m.

The assignments given:
English, Maths and Mother Tongue. Students are to complete ALL assignments within the stipulated timing.

What if there is nobody at home to login the computer/laptop for my child?
It will be good to teach your child how to login into the computer these few days to prepare him/her for the HBL. However, do ensure that an accompanying adult (maid/ grandparents) are around to make sure they don't wander off to other undesirable website.

What if my child goes to the student care?
Check with the student care teachers on their arrangement. They are quite experienced with our school's HBL process.

When will the assignments be up? Can we do it earlier?
No. The assignments for Day 1 will only be up on the 25th September and Day 2 will be 26th September.


Day 1 - English

The King's Cake comprehension

- Click on the folder English Home based Learning Day 1
- Click on the King's Cake Comprehension at the side bar
- The comprehension will be downloaded.
- Write all your answers on a foolscap
- Submit the foolscap on Monday.

Day 1 - Mathematics

Numbers to 100 (Revision)
- Click on the folder Mathematics Home based Learning Day 1
- Click on the Numbers to 100 at the side bar
- The revision worksheet will be downloaded.
- Write all your answers on a foolscap
- Submit the foolscap on Monday.

Day 2 - English

STELLAR Unit games and activities

- Click on the folder English Home based Learning Day 2
- Click on the STELLAR Quizzes at the side bar
- Play the games
       Unit 9: My River Game 1
Unit 10: Shark in the Park Game 2
Unit 11: Lazy Duck game 1
Unit 12: The Kings Cake Game 1
- No need to record answers on foolscap

Day 2 - Mathematics

Addition and Subtraction to 100  (Revision)
- Click on the folder Mathematics Home based Learning Day 2
- Click on the Addition and Subtraction to 100 at the side bar
- The revision worksheet will be downloaded.
- Write all your answers on a foolscap
- Submit the foolscap on Monday.

Note: I will be printing this page and will attach it to your child's planner. The school will also be giving a formal letter/ instructions on how to go about doing this assignment. 


  1. Hi Mrs Say,
    Luk Ian will have to take turn with his elder brother to login to mconline (so that both are "present").
    Tchen Beng Huat

  2. Hi Mr Tchen,

    Noted! I've also briefed the students with elder siblings in our school that they will need to take turns to login into the system and to do their work. However, don't worry as usually the P1s will have the entire day to complete their work, so you can allow the elder brother to complete his work before Luk Ian does his.

