Thursday, 2 October 2014

Children's Day

Dear 1 Peace,


There were so many fun and exciting programs lined up for them yesterday. First, they had fun playing at the Games Carnival that was organised by our Parent Volunteer Group. It was indeed a job well done. The children sure had their fun. Look at the pictures below and you will know how much effort was put in.

 I personally love this 'tikam tikam' booth. LOADS of presents to be won!

After which, Spongebob Squarepants actually appeared in EPPS!! Look at how well received he was by the lower primary children.

Took a quick picture with Spongebob and Mdm Kamsiah! Both of us had to relish our childhood hahaha!

Following that, we went back to class and it was PARTY TIME! I went to Giant hyperstore the night before and bought bags and bags of tidbits for 1P! Saw many teachers doing last minute buying too. The shelves were practically empty!

1P children put on their handmade party hats, and I gave them each a personalised card and their presents. Do read the messages I wrote for them. While I was typing the messages, I could still remember the first time I saw each and every one of them. Time flies and they have all grown up. One day, they will no longer be under my care and I WILL DEFINITELY BE VERY SAD. :(

I was so busy giving out food during the party that I has no time to capture their happy faces. :( Oh well, we shall wait for next year!

On a side note, I also gave out multiplication table for them to memorize during these 4 days of holidays. That is the only homework I gave them. So when I see them next Tuesday, I will be testing them on multiplication table 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. Apart from that, to reduce the torture of memorizing the numbers, I put it into a song and had given them the lyrics. I will be reinforcing the multiplication tables through the songs. :)

Take care, big hugs and I will see all of you next Tuesday

Mrs Say

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