Friday, 28 February 2014

I'm back and busy as a bee!

Hi 1 Peace,

I've promised some of you that I will be handing out the Classdojo password to you today, however, Mrs Say is VERY busy as I've just came back from an enriching course. I promise to send out the passwords on either Monday or Tuesday so that you can get your parents to view the number of points you have collected so far.

Not much updates today, just to remind parents to sign on the Spelling worksheet and return the file to me on Monday. :)

Just to share this article that I read from one of the magazines that I gotten while fetching my son, Asher Say, from school. This magazine has alot of writings on guiding parents on how to read, write, dramatise with your children.

Magazine cover

One of the article that caught my interest was 'Writing with your child'. It says that writing helps your child learn that putting his thoughts into writing is a meaningful way to share ideas. We, as parents, often encourage our child to read as much as they can or to speak confidently infront of other people. At times, we have forgotten the importance of WRITING! 

Here are some interesting ways we can start encouraging our children to start WRITING:

1) As your child dictates a story to you, write it down for him, or write it together

2)Start a family journal (Very interesting!)

3) Write postcards or letters with your child, addressed to family members, relatives, or even story characters (I'm going to try it with your little ones :D)

I've attached the page for you to read more (Pardon the torn corner, Asher tore it while I was reading the magazine to him! I'm trying to expose him to all sorts of prints to encourage visual literacy).

Let's start encouraging our children to WRITE! Meanwhile, have an awesome weekend to come!

 I'm sure Asher is going to enjoy his weekend!

Mrs Say

Monday, 24 February 2014

I'm away for course

Hi 1 Peace,

Mrs Say will be away for course for the next three days. I've already made arrangements with the teachers coming in to hand out assignments to you. As mentioned, I will be back on Friday! :)

Before I left for course today, we had fun creating our own English word cards using the beginning sounds /br/, /tr/, /cr/ and /fl/.

 Preparing the game cards

Busy putting the words together 

The final work

Meanwhile, have a good time in school. I will be back on Friday. :D

Mrs Say

Thursday, 20 February 2014

We are teachers!

1 Peace

We all had a role reversal today. Mrs Say became the student in the class and all the children in 1 Peace became the teacher. The children had a chance to spot mistakes and 'mark' the individual writing.

'Marking' in progress

'Marked' writings are being displayed on the board

I go through the 'markings' with them

Rationale for doing this activity:

This strategy is being used as it is an effective teaching and learning strategy for students of all ages. It teaches them to be a self-directed learners and working in a group also promotes collaborative learning. Letting them be the 'teacher' gets most of the students excited as they are finally getting the chance to 'mark' somebody's work.
From the 'marking' process, they are able to spot mistakes their friends made and when it is their turn to write, they will remember not to make the same mistakes.

Whether this strategy works?
Immediately after this activity, students are able to spot their own mistakes in their own writing!

Parents, you can try using this strategy at home with your child too. If you have an elder child, you could use their writings and let your younger child 'mark'. :)

Below is a video which captures an ongoing discussion among the students, whereby they are able to identify the missing full stops, the mixture of upper and lower case and grammatical mistakes.

Have a great day and I will see you, parents, tomorrow for the Meet-The-Parents session tomorrow. It starts at 8.30am in the hall. Below is the schedule for tomorrow:

8.30 am
Arrival of Parents


8.30 am – 8.40 am
Welcome Speech by Vice-Principal, Mr Jeremy Ang
8.40 am – 9.00 am
Introduction to initiatives and programmes by level leader, Mdm Maisarah and Miss Serene Ng

9.00 am – 9.25 am
Parents to move to respective classrooms

1C, 1D, 1H, 1K, 1L, 1P, at Level 1

2C, 2D, 2H at Level 1
2K, 2L, 2P at Level 2
9.30 am – 10.30 am
Briefing by Form Teacher and Co-Form Teacher in the classroom

10.30 am – 11.30 am
Orchestra Performance cum Recruitment drive, school’s Niche CCA - Elias Chinese Orchestra (ECHO)

11.30 am – 12 noon
MC Online Workshop
(P1 parents only)

Computer Labs 1 and 2 at Level 1
12 noon – 12.30 pm
Briefing on Learning Support Programme (LSP) –
Selected parents only
Learning Support Room at Level 1

Mrs Say

My Superhero is ________.

1 Peace,

We had a great time acting and writing scripts for our superhero character. We had Spiderman, Batman, Winx club, etc. I recorded videos of all groups presenting. Parents, you can look at how your child present in front of the class. The aim of this activity is to serve as a platform for their writing and also the Oral assessment in time to come.

Have a good time viewing the videos. However, I feel that all of them did very well as they were not shy in front of their classmates, and they were able to speak fluently.

Superhero - Powerpuff

Superhero - Ben 10

                                                                         Superhero - Batman

Superhero - Spiderman

Superhero - Superman

Superhero - Winx Club Tina

Superhero - Winx Club Flora

Have fun viewing!

Mrs Say

*Sorry that you are unable to view the videos yesterday. It is up now and enjoy! :D

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Always ten card game

1 Peace,

We had a game of  Always Ten today.

We had fun 'snatching' your groupmate's card to make 10 from your own deck of cards. We also had different winners for both game.

Parents can make an improvise deck of cards at home and play this game with your child (take this chance to practise addition with them). You can make 10 sets of numbers from 1 to 9 and you will get your deck of cards (I've attached a template at the bottom). You can get your child to guide you in this game.

Have fun!

This Saturday, we will be having the Meet-The-Parents session 2014. If you had signed up for this, do remember to turn up. Parents will need to be in the hall by 8.30 am. :)

Mrs Say

Monday, 17 February 2014

Library books

Dear 1 Peace parents,

Your child has started borrowing books from the school library. They will be in charge of taking care of their books and make sure that they don't lose or spoil them.

They are required to return their books on Monday, 17th Feb so that they can get new books on Tuesday.

Parents can use these books to read to your child during bedtime. I'm sure they will love it!

Mrs Say

Thursday, 13 February 2014

What we learnt at the end of this week

Dear 1 Peace,

By the end of this week, we have learnt the following:

1) Vocabulary
- Crane
- Bridge
- flowers
- house
- mountains
- train

2) Grammar
We learnt the preposition - Over

1) Addition within 10
We learnt counting on using our fingers!

Signing of files
I've returned the spelling and Mathematics file to you. Please remember to get your parents to sign on the feedback form and spelling worksheet. Return the whole file to me on Monday. :)

Other than that, we also learnt that on Valentine's Day, we can show love, care and concern to our friends and family.
 Mrs Say made these little bookmarks for 1 Peace

 Happy children receiving their bookmark.

Thanks for the wishes!

Happy Valentine's Day daddies and mummies of 1 Peace!

Loads of love,
Mrs Say

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

McOnline Parent's log in password

Dear Parents of 1 Peace,

I have noticed that most of you are unable to log into the McOnline parent's account. I've contacted the administrator and the following is the password for the log in:

Login ID:   P_Child's Birth Cert number
School:      EPPS
Password: learning

Please try logging in at home and if you are still unable to log in, please drop me a note in your child's planner.

Have a great day ahead! :)

Mrs Say

Collection of forms

Dear Parents of 1 Peace,

On last Friday, the school gave out a newsletter to your child. In the newsletter, there are several forms I will need you to sign and return it to me.

1) Subscription to ICT application for learning Mother Tongue
You will need to submit $2 to me for the subscription of the iMTL Portal. You can give me either cash or cheque.

2) The young Scientist card
You can buy the young Zoologist card at $2.50. This is not compulsory. If you do not want to buy, it is okay.

3) Acknowledgement of receipt of Assessment Schedule
I have noticed that some parents have trouble logging into the parent's account. I will be calling the administrator on this matter and will get back to you.

4) Form E3 - Arts Esplanade Excursion
For foreigners and permanent residents, your child will not have any Edusave account. Hence, you will need to give me $15.70 in cash or cheque.


Mrs Say

Monday, 10 February 2014

Elias Star Awardees

Dear 1 Peace,

We had our first ELIAS start awardees for the Month of January. They are Isaac Ng and Tchen Luk Ian. They were being 'caught' for displaying the value of Love and Service. Here are some pictures

The rest of you, like what we said in class just  now, we have many more months to go, who knows, you might be next!

This week we are celebrating Total Defence Day and we had the face painting booth in the canteen. These are the pupils who went to have their faces painted.

And congrats to group 3 for winning the most points in the month of January!

Mrs Say