Thursday, 13 February 2014

What we learnt at the end of this week

Dear 1 Peace,

By the end of this week, we have learnt the following:

1) Vocabulary
- Crane
- Bridge
- flowers
- house
- mountains
- train

2) Grammar
We learnt the preposition - Over

1) Addition within 10
We learnt counting on using our fingers!

Signing of files
I've returned the spelling and Mathematics file to you. Please remember to get your parents to sign on the feedback form and spelling worksheet. Return the whole file to me on Monday. :)

Other than that, we also learnt that on Valentine's Day, we can show love, care and concern to our friends and family.
 Mrs Say made these little bookmarks for 1 Peace

 Happy children receiving their bookmark.

Thanks for the wishes!

Happy Valentine's Day daddies and mummies of 1 Peace!

Loads of love,
Mrs Say

1 comment:

  1. A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge indeed! Thank you so much, Mrs Say! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your love ones! :)
