Monday, 24 February 2014

I'm away for course

Hi 1 Peace,

Mrs Say will be away for course for the next three days. I've already made arrangements with the teachers coming in to hand out assignments to you. As mentioned, I will be back on Friday! :)

Before I left for course today, we had fun creating our own English word cards using the beginning sounds /br/, /tr/, /cr/ and /fl/.

 Preparing the game cards

Busy putting the words together 

The final work

Meanwhile, have a good time in school. I will be back on Friday. :D

Mrs Say


  1. Wow! The children were BRave to TRy out the one CRied nor took FLight! Hehehe! Happy going on course, Mrs Say! (enjoy the break time snacks, if any!) :p

  2. HAHA! That's a good one Janice. I was still wondering why are your CR, BR, TR in caps. Then I realised that it is the beginning sounds that I'm trying to teach the children. Initially, I though it is some hidden message that you want to send me! haha!
